Evolution Ranch
Evolution Ranch is an exciting ranch to have at MSFM. A few shoppers are dubious about eating crickets, but children are very excited to become entomologists, especially once they try the edible bugs!
"I see it like this; Our population is growing exponentially and along with it our need for protein, but there is a clear limit to the natural resources available to produce that protein. This equation doesn’t have a future using the old model of animal agriculture. It is clearly time to think outside the box. Adding crickets as a protein source is a resourceful response to our changing environment, they’re delicious, nutritious, and truly sustainable," says Simon.
"Now, more than ever, it’s important to look at the impact and efficiency of our industries that depend on natural resources. When we look at the environmental cost of producing 1 pound of traditional livestock protein it becomes clear that crickets are the “micro-livestock” of a more sustainable future. ...It is a goal of Evolution Ranch to get the conversation going about entomophagy and be an information resource regarding all things crickets. And of course to provide quality cricket powder and flavored crickets for purchase."