Kane Family Garden
Paj leads a homesteading lifestyle of self-sufficiency.
You'll find an abundance of goodness when you shop at Paj's stall at the Mount Shasta Farmers' Market. She has passed down her passion for eating out of the garden to her adult children, and food from Kane Family Farm is the bounty of their playing in the yard together.
The happy garden grows in the front and back yards of her house in Mount Shasta, a mile from the farmers’ market. On a quarter-acre, there are 30 raised beds. “I love growing tomatoes,” says Paj. She has 30 plants and 7 varieties, mostly heirlooms.
Her tomato seeds are unique – she has been saving and cultivating the ones from her most delicious tomatoes that have proven to flourish in Mount Shasta. Just last month she attended the Seed Saving Academy to learn more about preserving her seeds.
Kane Family Farm is considering planting a crop of wheat because Paj bakes a mean loaf of bread.You won’t find her bread at the market though; it is eaten too quickly. (Don’t worry, The Oven Bakery sells amazing handmade bread at the market.)
MSFM was well managed by Paj in 2018 and 2019. The 2020 season welcomed Steve Gerace as Market Manager and Paj was there to help him keep the market open during the outbreak of COVID. It was a wonder that they were able to pull off the market that year with all the protocols and unknowns. Being a farmer at the market in 2021 and 2022, Paj can appreciate everything that goes into every Monday of the season.
For the Mount Shasta locals, you may have been lucky enough to eat at Paj’s restaurant, The Pasta Shop (1993-2011). The following recipe for sun-dried tomato pesto is a fan favorite. While it is a secret sauce, Paj agreed to share it with Friends of the Market.
Thank you Colleen Shelly for putting together this feature.